My Night Job the non stop arcade game from Webcore Gamers, I launched the game and immediately a huge wave of nostalgia wash over me. I knew immediately I was going to enjoy this game from start to finish. It reminded me straight away of those games that I could only play at the arcades as a kid.
The main protagonist in the game is just your ordinary man but at night he defends the human from an endless stream of monsters of all shapes and sizes ranging from zombies to bats and everything in between, Using every object imaginable from his surrounding in order to fight off the hordes of creatures trying to get to the humans in the building. the main aim of the game is not only to kill said creatures but also to evacuate humans to safety. Which some are incredibly helpful with, often killing the monsters with you, whereas others can be incredibly frustrating as they cower away from the fight offering no support at all. The only positive to those people is the financial reward for safely evacuating them from the building. Which while pleasing, isnt altogether too satisfying as those people don’t deserve my assistance as much as the ones who fight with me.
The game play is rather basic, however this is not a hindrance to enjoyment, it has just enough to allow freedom of movement and to let me play the game my way, while not being so complex that users can’t just pick it up and play as they would with old-fashioned arcades games that are similar to this. it is then simple enough to build up attacks on all manner of creatures, different objects that can be picked up have different effects on the environment as well as creatures that can help you. This enable full immersion into the environment which can actually change as the game goes on. Certain areas can fill up quickly with monsters making part of the house completely blocked off and other paths around them must be taken.
Music in the game is very similar in style to the game and follows a traditional arcade game style. with an extended period of game play it could become a little repetitive but for one full ‘turn’ on the game it just keeps the game play upbeat and exciting. The noises in the game follow this same theme and are excellent throughout at keeping the arcade feel to this game, specifically during any kind of explosions of the main characters death. Otherwise there are generic screaming noises from the human characters as well as moans from the various creatures that are hunting down the protagonist.
Graphically this game is not in keeping with the current generation of gaming with most games having a high standard of graphics. But if this game were to follow suit and have an incredibly high graphical output it would really take away from this game in my opinion. With the main focus of this game to be an arcade style the graphics really are in keeping with that. They are better than the usual game that you would find in an ordinary arcade due to the power of the console they are being played on. But the scenery and overall look of the game is very in keeping with games of that genre that people remember playing when they were much younger.
Overall, My Night Job is a fantastic albeit nostalgic blast from the past for myself. It reminded me of all the games I used to play at the arcades which only really added to the charm of this game for me. Every different aspect of this game just comes together perfectly to create this arcade masterpiece that is unlike any new game on the market and brings to mind all the great games of the past, thrusting it forward onto a new platform and paving the way to show all new gamers what older games used to be like.
REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Sony Playstation 4 code was provided to Brash Games for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to
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