Never in my time of playing video games, on this green and wonderful earth, have I ever come across such a painfully boring game and I have played a tonne of games. You may think this is a harsh statement to make, but if you really don’t believe me, try Divide for yourself. Go on, I DARE YOU!
Divide is a Sci-Fi adventure, that plunges you into the Role of David. A man who has recently been widowed and is left to look after his daughter. One day he gets a strange message asking him to meet up with his deceased’s wife colleague. David is then given a strange briefcase that when he opens, flings him forward into a futuristic world, controlled by a shady company named Vestige. This plot is something we have all heard before and to be honest is a little bit boring.
This is all set into motion after a long a boring set of dialogue options, with your daughter and your ex-wife’s work colleague and the voice acting is laughable. I physically cringed at how bad some of it was. This coupled with really bad character animation that would make a PS2 game look good, really does make Divide a stinker.
Now the dodgy voice acting and awful graphics, could have been forgiven if there was some decent gameplay but this sadly, is not the case. The twin-stick control system is very fiddly. Trying to aim at enemies whilst using this system often led to me completely missing the target. This led to me instead of shooting the enemy robots, just running up behind them and ‘hacking’ them. I use the term hacking loosely, as all it is, is pushing a button to turn the patrolling robot off. Half the time, the job would have already been done for me. The robots would be stuck, half-glitching into a wall meaning you could walk straight past it!
Asides from the boring combat and the backwards control system that just simply, does not work, there is the constant theme of backtracking throughout Divide. To advance in the game you need to hack into terminals to collect things known as Hash’s. Once you have collected enough Hash’s, you can then hack another terminal or a door or find out crucial information in regards to the plot, that will lead you to another area. Which in turn, means you having to repeat the process, over and over again to progress. These Hash’s, can be challenging to find, so this often leads to going back the way you came to find more of them, or simply having to run through areas you have already been through to get to a new area.
Often the areas of the facility you are tasked with exploring can be a little confusing. I got lost numerous times, as most of the areas look the same. Dull, grey, dark rooms with dull, grey dark corridors, followed by more of the same time and time again. Now, I hear you all shouting, “Why didn’t you look at the map idiot!”. Well that is because the map is useless. There is no detail on it whatsoever, you can’t zoom in and look at it and for some reason it’s weirdly set in the frame of the screen when you open it, so you can’t read it to begin with.
The only real plus point that I can pick out is the soundtrack. Divide has a fantastic musical score that really did help set the scene of this sci-fi world, but nobody plays a game to listen to the music now do they?
Divide, doesn’t have much going for it at all. I will have to admit that I could only make it half way through before giving up and trying not to die from boredom. The control system is just too fiddly to use consistently, the voice acting is cringeworthy and the gameplay is dull and repetitive. A really great premise of a game but ultimately let down in the execution. All of that could be yours for a whopping $24.99. Still want to play it? No? Didn’t think so.
REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Sony Playstation 4 code was provided to Brash Games for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to
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