Sent into space in hopes of finding a new home for humanity, the crew of the largest ship ever built, ‘The Leviathan’, instead find themselves thrust into a living nightmare. They are no longer alone on the ship, The Last Werewolf is hunting them. Released by Wales Interactive (April 2015), ‘Infinity Runner’ is not a new title but is an interesting one to play and one that is easy to overlook amongst bigger titles.
On the surface, I thought ‘Infinity Runner’ would be a typical parkour & combat game, but instead I found myself strangely addicted to the challenge it provided and charmed by its futuristic design and soundtrack.
The storyline is given to us in small doses whilst we are running and the main focus of this game is what you can do as a gamer; whether your reactions and even your memory are quick enough to traverse the many tunnels & progress to the next level. There are seven levels to choose from, each with their own sectors which can be played in story mode, or if you prefer just to run, there is also an arcade mode making ‘Infinity Runner’ quite a short game, but one you can replay with different difficulty settings should you wish to push yourself or retry a level with an easier way.
Arcade & story mode are the options for console players, this game is available on Xbox One, Ps4, WII U but also on Steam and thus if you are a PC, Mac or Linux gamer, you are also able to enjoy a multiplayer mode where you can put yourself against up to 31 other players and challenge your own skills against theirs.
‘Infinity Runner’ is also designed to work with VR and whilst I have not tried that, I can only imagine it would increase the adrenaline you feel as you run through the fast pace stages and really allow you to immerse yourself in the bowels of the ‘The Leviathan’ and the increase the atmosphere of this game. As this title was released in 2015, graphically it is not at the standard of what we would see today but it does not need to be.
The gameplay largely takes place in a series of tunnels and the action is so fast, the gamer does not have time to stop and admire their surroundings, the world around you and its complimenting soundtrack constantly push you forward and this game is fun without being flashy.
The soundtrack adds to the adrenaline, the use of dance music really does help to get your heart racing and increases the urgency you feel as you try to duck, jump & dodge whatever is around the next corner in a world where even the corners, can kill you.
Rated PEGI 12, Infinity Runner is not a particularly violent or offensive game. What violence there is, is limited and shown briefly on-screen, making this a reasonably safe game for younger players.
The frequent checkpoints and generous number of starting lives (five) make this a very forgiving game. The prompts on which buttons to press also make it easier for younger gamers to enjoy without getting frustrated at complicated controls. The player is also required to collect data points throughout the level in a similar fashion to Sonic the Hedgehog’s rings, which may be an attractive prospect to older and younger gamers who enjoy this element.
‘Infinity Runner’ also offers a lot of achievements to those who may be achievement hunters, Xbox One alone offers 55 and if you are someone who likes to see a fully completed achievement list, the shortness of this title does offer that replayability.
‘infinity Runner’ is an older title and the price tag of £5.59 on the Microsoft store is a good reflection of not only the age of the title but also how much content it has. This is a very a good price for a fun game to pick up and play for a few hours or if you just feel like running around for a while, it offers more challenge than other parkour based games such as ‘Refunct’ but does not require you to sink 100s of hours into it like other game genres might.
Ultimately, I enjoyed ‘Infinity Runner’ for what it is, a game to pick up when I wish to challenge my reactions and lose myself in an uncomplicated, sci fi world where werewolves are in space and survival is key.
REVIEW CODE: A FREE Microsoft Xbox One code was provided to Brash Games for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to
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