Tag: Playstation 3
inFamous Second Son and First Light had just shipped.
We think you might like The Surfer.
Stealth is a bit of a niche genre. Like, say, survival horror it doesn’t quite have the same mass appeal of FPS games or platformers. The number of players who seek escapism or a challenge through online battles or puzzles, dwarfs those who enjoy a game that requires …
Take on the arcade challenge with Nex Machina.
It’s time once again to check out the week’s newcomers on PlayStation Store.
This game will take your heart.
That’s right! We have teamed up with our good friends at BioWare and Electronic Arts to bring you a brand-new Mass Effect: Andromeda Costume Pack as a totally free download for LittleBigPlanet 3 today! The Mass Effect: Andromeda Costume Pack comes with a total of five costumes for …
Welcome to the first in a new series of features that will be appearing in a semi-regular fashion on PlayStation Blog, looking back in detail at some of the key moments in PlayStation history. We’re calling it Extended Play, and you can expect eye-witness testimony, expert insight, and …
Players are eagerly awaiting the release of Stormblood, our second major expansion pack, on 20th June, but we have a lot of excitement to deliver before then! Today marks the release of the newest large-scale update Patch 3.5 – The Far Edge of Fate, which brings with it …
The readers (that’s you!) have spoken, and the votes have been tallied. Just below these very words are the winners of the PlayStation Blog Game of the Year 2016 awards. This year’s awards pulled in a staggering number of votes — over a half-million in total! — across …