Beast Quest is an adventure game that has been based around the first six books in the series, written by Adam Blade. Featuring monsters that are protectors of the land, they have been placed under a spell and are being forced to do evil actions that is throwing the kingdom of Avantia into chaos. This will lead one boy and his friends to take up a quest to save the beasts and help the people of Avantia along the way.
The main heroes in Beast quest is Tom, a young boy who dreams of adventure and is sent on the a quest to free the many beasts by the wise old wizard Aduro, who advises Tom along the way. There is also Elenna, Tom’s companion who travels around with him once rescued. There is also Elenna’s pet wolf, who has been with her ever since she rescued him. There is also Storm, the black stallion who Tom uses to travel around Avantia on his quest.
The main villain in Beast Quest is Malvel and he is using the beasts that reside in each area the player will visit and are varied as each area has their own set of enemies. The unique battle system is an active one that will allow the player to take on the enemies with three types of attacks; such as the fast attack, the strong attack and an area attack that uses both charged up fast and strong attacks that will hit multiple opponents at once. There is also an ability that can increase the player’s stats and can be used as an attack, such as a flame sword, which will attack only a single enemy or a blizzard attack, which will cause damage to all enemies in the attack zone. These zones could have as many as three enemies that can move freely in any given area.
At the beginning of Beast Quest there is a simple introduction to the game by the wizard Aduro, who will appear before the player and send them on their quest armed with a new sword and a shield to protect them from any dangers. There is also a simple tutorial that the player will play through at the beginning of the game. Some of the tutorials include how to run and jump and climb any tall areas. There is also a tutorial on how to use a sword and defend, as well as use the abilities that a player can earn while traveling around Avantia.
During the play through, Beast Quest the game only features four of the six for people who have followed the book series and now come to play the game hoping to find their favourite beasts in this game. There are still four of the beasts in the game, but the one that didn’t make the cut was the most interesting one, as who doesn’t love a giant sea serpent, but this would be hard to fight against as the main heroes only weakness in this game is water, so the fight with a sea serpent would be too difficult to implement. The second beast that is missing from the game is Tagus, a horseman who would increase the player’s speed. This too, would be ineffective in the game as there is no need for the item to increase speed as a player can fight as fast as they need.
The graphics in Beast Quest makes it look as if the player is in a storybook, with the monsters and cut scenes all having a feel as if they had been pulled from the page of the books that they once belonged inside. The pages of a book that is now coming to life and immersing the player in their own adventures ,with the same sounds that can take a player from dark jungles to arctic tundras, all the while fighting mystical beasts; each with their own immersive cry that will send any nearby creatures running for cover.
Beast Quest was fun to play as it integrates side quests into the game and makes the game feel like an actual quest, but the only down side of this, is the chest system, as you will need to find a key to the correct chest before you are able to open them. This can be frustrating as the most you will get out of chests are gold or items to equip in order to improve stats. There is also a quick travel system that uses the campsites as the main locations. This is also used as a save location during the game. There were times that allowed a player to feel that they are actually in the books that they remember, or that they are traveling, as tom rescuing the beast of Avantia with the help of his allies Once the game is complete, there would be very little replaying, as once you have completed the game you can restart the game or continue exploring Avantia as a strong warrior or restart the game and play through the story once again.
REVIEW CODE: A Playstation 4 code was provided to Brash Games for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to
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