Do you have a quality video games website or a similar topic? Would you like a link to you site? Simply send an email to editor [at] brashgames [dot] or use the contact form and let us know about it.
Put “Text Link” in the subject line and I’ll check it out. If it’s aligned with our long-term objectives, I’ll add a link to your site. Be sure to let me know where your link should be placed, i.e at the top of the homepage or in the righthand collum just below the fold where it says “Our friends” so I can consider it.
1) We only include high quality sites relating to Video Games and Gambling etc.
2) Your site will be reviewed for consideration.
3) If your site does not meat the critieria, there are still ways to get a link on either the homepage for 3, 6 or 12 month terms or via an article by using the Submit A Guest Post page or by visiting the Guest Post Blogging Opportunities page.
Thanks for your interest!