Category: bluepoint games
Which will be your nemesis?
Bluepoint Games’s gorgeous next-gen remake of the game that laid the groundwork for a new kind of tough but fair action RPGs, launches today. For those brave new souls who wish to take on the challenge that is Demon’s Souls for the first time, we have put together …
The time has come. The game is out. Play it. Peace!
A 12-minute deep dive into the game’s world narrated by SIE Worldwide Studios Creative Director Gavin Moore.
Rebuilding Demon’s Souls from the ground up has been a daunting task, not only because of the original title’s grand scope, but also because we know how much this game is beloved by PlayStation fans. We love it, too, and that’s why we have gone to great lengths …
We’re happy to announce that we will be releasing the soundtrack to Demon’s Souls on digital platforms on November 26.
It has been an honor to work on such a legendary and beloved title as Demon’s Souls. We understand how much it means to all of you because it means so much to us. And that’s why it is with great excitement (and a little trepidation) that we …