Tag: Rating 3/10
A b-movie style, visual novel that blends elements of mystery, tension, horror, and atmosphere!
Oh, look. It's another PUBG clone, or is it something else?
An immersive story of an A.I. becoming sentient, learning about who she is or what she is.
Consider this: perhaps just one free-to-play, micro transactions based tank multiplayer game is enough?
There are fun, immersive, good-looking experiences available to the PSVR. Arizona Sunshine is not one of them.
Some promise with no delivery.
Cavernous Wastes has all the glamour of something you’d find in the discount software section at an Office Depot.
With this game taking place amongst the masses within its genre, can it fit itself with them at the top or be hidden within the depths?
Your money is better spent elsewhere.
A Brawler that will leave you beating yourself around the head for buying it.